Peer-reviewed Journal Articles

Abusaada, Nadi., "The Arab World on Display: The Arab Exhibitions in 1930s Jerusalem." (Forthcoming: The Architecture Exhibition Operating as a Cross-Cultural Contact Zone [Special Issue]. Architecture and Culture, 2023).

Abusaada, Nadi., "The Profession’s Vanguards: Arab Architects and Regional Architectural Exchange, 1900–50." Architectural Theory Review (2023): 1-17. DOI:

Abusaada, Nadi. "“The Pit and the Pond”: Hydraulic Projects and Municipal Rights in Modern Palestine." Environment, Disease, and Infrastructure [Special Issue]. Journal of Palestine Studies 51, no. 4 (2022): 8-23. DOI:

Abusaada, Nadi. "Consolidating the Rule of Experts: A Model Village for Refugees in the Jordan Valley, 1945‐55." Displacement [Special Issue]. International Journal of Islamic Architecture 10, no. 2 (2021): 361-385. DOI:

Abusaada, Nadi. "Combined Action: Aerial Imagery and the Urban Landscape in Interwar Palestine, 1918-40." Palestine From Above [Special issue]. Jerusalem Quarterly, no. 81 (2020): 20-36. <>. ISSN 2521-974X.

Abusaada, Nadi. "Self-Portrait of a Nation: The Arab Exhibition in Mandate Jerusalem, 1931-34." Jerusalem Quarterly, no. 77 (2019): 122-35. <>. ISSN 2521-974X.*This publication is the winner of 2019 Ibrahim Dakkak Annual Award for Outstanding Essay on Jerusalem.

Book Chapters

Abusaada, Nadi and Asali, Wesam. "Between Theory and Practice: Arab Architecture between Revivalism, Renewal, and Tradition" (Forthcoming: N. Abusaada and W. Asali, eds., Arab Modern: Architecture and the Project of Independence. gta Verlag, 2024).

Abusaada, Nadi. "Stereotomy and Palestinian Architecture" (Forthcoming: T. Beralda, eds., Aga Khan Award for Architecture 2019 – The Palestinian Museum. Architangle, 2024).

Abusaada, Nadi. "Modern Landscape, Biblical Frame: Jaffa in the Eyes of a Dutch Photographer" (Forthcoming: K. Sanchez and S. Zananiri, eds., Revisiting Palestine Illustrated. Amsterdam University Press, 2024).

Abusaada, Nadi. "Beyond the Mountains and the Sea: Overlapping Geographies of Modern Palestine." (Forthcoming: Palestinian Museum Publications, 2023).

Abusaada, Nadi. "Interrupted Modernity: The 1945 Jaffa Masterplan." (Forthcoming: Khaldun Bshara, eds., Palestine Modern: An Unfulfilled Promise. Riwaq Publications, 2023).

Abusaada, Nadi. "‘The Reconstruction of Palestine’: Geographical Imaginaries after World War I." In. Sarah Irving, eds., The Social and Cultural History of Palestine: Essays in Honour of Salim Tamari. Edinburgh University Press, 2022). Available at: <>.

Abusaada, Nadi. "Urban Encounters: Imaging the City in Mandate Palestine." In: K. Sanchez and S. Zananiri, eds., Imaging and Imagining Palestine: Photography, Modernity and the Biblical Lens 1918-1948. (Netherlands: Brill, 2021). Available at: <>. *This book chapter is a double-blind peer reviewed publication.

Abusaada, Nadi. "Combined Action: Aerial Imagery and Urban Landscape in Interwar Palestine." In: Y. Anani, eds., Palestine from Above: Imaging the Landscape through Surveillance and Cartography. Exhibit Dossier. (Ramallah: Qattan Foundation and Institute for Palestine Studies, 2021).

Edited Journal Issues

Abusaada, Nadi. and Asali, Wesam., eds., Scroope: The Cambridge Architectural Journal, Department of Architecture: University of Cambridge, 29 (2020). Available at: <>.

Book Reviews

Sleiman, Hana, and Abusaada, Nadi (2023) Atlas of Palestine 1871-1877, Palestine Exploration Quarterly, 155:2, 177-182, DOI: 10.1080/00310328.2023.2201077. <>.

Abusaada, Nadi., 2022. Essential Readings on Urban Palestine. Jadaliyya and Middle East Studies Pedagogy Initiative (MESPI). <> and <>. 

Architectural Magazine Articles

Abusaada, Nadi., 2024. Rebuilding Gaza. Repair [Special Issue]. The Architectural Review, (1508). <>.

Abusaada, Nadi., 2023. Forgotten history: a vision for Palestinian refugees’ agricultural self-sufficiency. Online. The Architectural Review. <>.

Abusaada, Nadi., 2023. Concrete changes: the Wonder Cabinet in Bethlehem, Palestine, by AAU Anastas. Deserts [Special Issue]. The Architectural Review, (1505). <>.

Abusaada, Nadi., 2023. The Palace Hotel in Jerusalem. Demolition + AR New into Old [Special Issue]. The Architectural Review, (1503). <>.

Abusaada, Nadi., 2022. Jerusalem Stone: The History and Identity of Palestinian Stereotomy. Stone [Special Issue]. The Architectural Review, (1490), pp.30-37. Available at: <>. *This article was the second-most read article in The Architectural Review in 2022.

Abusaada, Nadi., 2021. Under Jerusalem. Underground [Special Issue]. The Architectural Review, (1480), pp.74-77. Available at: <>. Arabic translation: < *This article was the third-most read article in The Architectural Review in 2021.

Abusaada, Nadi., 2021. Palestine’s Garden Walls. The Garden [Special Issue]. The Architectural Review, (1478), pp.90-93. Available at: <>.

Abusaada, Nadi. and Asali Wesam., ‘Editorial: Pulling the Emergency Break’, Scroope: The Cambridge Architectural Journal, 29 (2020), pp. 10-13. Available at: <>.

Abusaada, Nadi., 2020. Invisible Terrains. Land [Special Issue]. The Architectural Review, (1475), pp.36-38. Available at: <>.

Abusaada, Nadi., 2020. Architecture as a System of Knowledge. Letters to a Young Architect [Special Issue]. The Architectural Review, (1474), pp.40. Available at: <>.

Public Scholarship

Abusaada, Nadi., 2022. The forgotten history of Jerusalem's Palace Hotel. Middle East Eye. <>.

Abusaada, Nadi., 2020. Jaffa: The Rise and Fall of an Agrarian City [online] Palestine Square. <>. Spanish Translation:

Abusaada, Nadi. and Wahby, Noura. 2020. Editorial Letter. Arab Urbanism Magazine. [online]. <>

Abusaada, Nadi., 2020. “Off the Record”: Palestine at the 1944 Arab League Preparatory Conference. [online] Palestine Square. <>. Spanish translation: <>.

Abusaada, Nadi., 2020. The Palace Hotel in Jerusalem: History Beyond Memory. [online] Palestine Square. <>. Spanish translation: <>.

Abusaada, Nadi., 2020. Aerial Frontiers: The Colonial Gaze Over Palestine. Flights [Special Issue]. Kings Review, (6), pp.38-41. Available at: <>.